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Effect of Damages

Blast Overpressure

Thermal Radiation Intensity
>10 kW/(sq m) - (potentially lethal within 60 seconds)
5 kW/(sq m) - (second-degree burns within 60 seconds)
2 kW/(sq m) - (pain within 60 seconds)
Note: The durations that correspond to effects like pain or second-degree burns can vary considerably, depending on circumstances. The effects above were observed on bare skin that was exposed directly to the thermal radiation. Some types of clothing can serve as a protective barrier against thermal radiation and can affect the exposure duration. However, exposure duration should be kept to a minimum, even at low levels of thermal radiation.

8.0 psi (destruction of buildings)
3.5 psi (serious injury likely)
1.0 psi (shatters glass)
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